Building Trust - The Foundation of High-Performance Teams
2024 will be a challenging time for us all. How can we navigate crisis and find new opportunities? We must learn to collaborate and...
Building Trust - The Foundation of High-Performance Teams
Tapping into Collective Intelligence
What's something everyone desires?
What is the Power of Pitching?
What can the indigenous people teach us about Collaboration and Teamwork?
Hiding in your Comfort Zone?
A Pitch is Not What you Think
The Only Way an Entrepreneur can Fail
The Voice of Compassion
The Best (free) Gift You Can Ever Give
To Pitch an Idea, first you must Connect
How the Voice of Emma González Saved me
Your Voice is an Emotional Stethoscope
As soon as you speak, you will instantly be judged
What I learned from 3 days of complete silence
A Silent Retreat: Who are you without your Voice?
The Power of Pitching
Learn from the Speakers You Admire
Naked on Stage
Words, Dance but no Music